475 research outputs found

    The French-American Relationship, its Impact on the UN and the Reshaping of International Intervention 1990-2011

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    The relationship between the us and France has profoundly affected the process of international intervention, use of force and humanitarian actions in the conflicts across the world since 1990. Military interventions and decision making in international affairs has been the result of the balance of powers inside the UN Security Council from the end of the Cold War onwards. From the peak of 9/11 to the low of the Iraq war the French-American relations have constantly kept the international agenda alive. With the changes in both the US and French administrations in the past 4 years, with the overall EU dynamic, as well as with the developments in MENA (Middle East-North Africa) in recent months, the interaction between those two main actors of the trans-Atlantic partnership, has gained new dimensions. The present paper attempts to analyze the consequences of the French-American relations of the past 2 decades on the UN system and on the legitimacy of international interventions


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    The current global economic crisis is a major challenge for the European Union and requires a rapid response to counter the impacts on the whole economy. On of the measure take to the level of the European Union was accelerating investment project. With a financial envelope of over €350 billion for the period 2007-2013, cohesion policy provides considerable support to public investment by the EU's Member States and regions, The paper aim is to analyses the necessary measure takes in order to speed up the implementation of European Union cohesion policy and to help state tackle the challenge brought by the global economic crisis.cohesion policy, convergence, regional competitiveness, employment, economical crisis


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    Water is essential for life and the way we use water in our activity has a direct impact on the environment. The Report of the Public Health Institute on drinking water quality from urban localities highlighted that the total population potentially exposed to the risk, taking into consideration the age of the distribution networks, water source quality and parameters, is estimated to be about 9.8 million inhabitants in urban areas. The paper analyses the main factors that affect the quality of drinking water, in the conditions than 100 million people in the European region still do not have access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation and the quality of the water supply and sanitation services has deteriorated continuously over the past 15 years, with the rural population being most affected.nitrate contamination, leakage, drinking water, wastewater treatment


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Natalitatea în prezent este considerată o problemă medico-socială majoră fiind cauzată de o serie de factori: îmbătrânirea populației, starea economică, sănătatea reproductivă etc. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea unor aspecte medico-sociale ale natalității în diferite țări. Material și Metode. Studiu secundar, de tip - sinteza narativă. Analiza surselor: PubMed, Med ONE, NLM, NCBI, reviste științifice; data publicării: 2015-2021; limba: engleză, franceză, română și rusă. Rezultate. Conform surselor bibliografice identificăm ca unul dintre principalii factori care influențează natalitatea este starea nesatisfăcătoare de sănătate a femeilor cuprinse intre vârsta 15-49 ani. Un alt factor care determină valori scăzute ale natalității sunt grupele de vârstă și sexe, ceea ce se reflectă prin populația feminină îmbătrânită, statutul marital și divorțuri. Un al treilea factor se consideră condițiile de trai, și anume in localitățile unde resursele de hrană si resursele materiale sunt limitate. Concluzii. Factorii menționați anterior contribuie extrem de mult la scăderea natalității in lume. Ar fi bine ca persoanele calificate și instruite în acest domeniu să întreprindă măsuri atât de informare, consolare cât și susținere psihologică și materială astfel încât populația să fie pregătită de a da naștere noii generații.Introduction. Birth rate is currently considered a major medical and social problem caused by a number of factors: aging population, economic situation, reproductive health etc. Objective of the study. Evaluation of some medico-social aspects of the birth rate in different countries. Materials and Methods. Secondary research, narrative synthesis. Analysis of sources as: PubMed, Med ONE, NLM, NCBI, scientific journals; publish date: 2015-2021; language: English, French, Romanian and Russian. Results. According to bibliographic sources, we identify that one of the main factors is the unsatisfactory state of health of women between the ages of 15-40. Another factor that determines low birth rates are age and gender, which is reflected in aging female pollution, marital status, and divorce. A third factor is considered to be living conditions, namely in localities where food and material resources are limited. Conclusions. The factors mentioned above contribute extremely to the decrease in the birth rate in the world. It would be good for qualified and trained people in this field to take measures to provide information, consolidation, and psychological and material support so that the population is informed before giving birth to a child